2 Ingredient Turnovers (Vegan)

It almost sounds crazy to think that it only takes 2 ingredients to make these scrumptous pastries, but I kid you not, that’s all that you need! I’ve been making turnovers forever, because they’re just so simple and delicious! You can make so many variations depending on what fruits are in season.

The easiest way to make turnovers is by using a fruit preserve, because it becomes a pre-made filling, so all you need to do is stuff it in the dough. If I run out of preserve, I made my own by combining 1 peeled and chopped apple with 1tbsp cinnamon, 1/4 cup sugar and equal parts water, then heating it up in a pan until it thickens (I just so happened to be out of preserve when I made the turnovers in the photos). So without further ado, here’s how to make 2 ingredient turnovers:

  • 1 package of puff pastry sheets
  • Preserve, jam, or jelly of choice
  1. Preheat oven to 385 degrees Farenheit.
  2. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper.
  3. Cut all the square puff pastry sheets diagonally so that you have a whole bunch of little triangle halves.
  4. Line your tray with the triangles at least 1 inch apart.
  5. Take one triangle of puff pastry and place a tablespoon of preserve, jam or jelly in the center.
  6. Gently fold one end of the triangle to the other.
  7. Using a fork, press all the edges of the pastry dough until they are sealed (this also gives them a pretty design).
  8. Pop them in the oven for about 20 minutes or until they turn golden. 
  9. Let them cool for 10 minutes (The filling is piping hot straight out of the oven).
  10. Enjoy with coffee or milk!
  1. Parchment paper makes for easy cleaning! Just rip the paper off the cookie sheet! 
  2. You can sprinkle raw sugar on the pastries before popping them into the oven for a sweeter pastry 
  3. When taking the pastries out of the oven, cut little crosses on the pastries so that the steam is released for quicker cooling.
  4. If your puff pastry is frozen before baking, pop the sheets in the microwave in 15 second increments. Pull out the bottom sheet each time, because it tends to thaw quicker than the other sheets.


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