My Favorites from A to Z

Thought this could be a fun get-to-know me post listing my favorite things from A to Z.

A-pple Cider-I can drink this stuff all day everyday.

B-eauty & the Beast-My favorite Disney movie!

C-alligraphy-This is one of my go-to hobbies.

D-ownton Abbey-Love this TV show! So many tears and laughs!

E-aster-Number one holiday!

F-rench onion soup-Hot, savory cheesiness. Must I go on?

G-reek food-I could eat Greek food forever and never grow tired of it.

H-ome Goods-Just about my favorite store.

I-rish cream-I once took 5 shots of my parent's Bailey's when I was a kid. No regrets.

J-ane Austen-Never fails to tell a heartfelt tale.

K-rispy Creme-Their chocolate creme filled donuts are 10/10.

L-emon meringue pie-Who needs cake when you have pie?

M-usicals-Cue the show tunes.

N-ature-Sometimes it feels good to just sit back and appreciate God's canvas.

O-rthodoxy-God comes first.

P-ink-Favorite color. Basic.

Q-uotes-I appreciate wisdom in small chunks.

R-oses-Nothing says romance like a rose.

S-wan Lake-Ballet is magical.

T-chaikovsky-Pure genius.

U-plifting movies-I like getting value out of sitting and watching something for 2+ hours.

V-intage-Some things are timeless. 

W-atercoloring-Remedy for anxiety, plus you get something pretty out of it!

X-oxo (hugs and kisses)-It feels good to be loved.

Y-oung Victoria-BEST MOVIE EVER.

Z-infindel-Not the strongest alcohol, but it has all the right flavors.


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