DIY Home-Grown Produce

It's becoming obvious that store-bought produce is not as fresh or natural as it once was. Pesticides are the normative means for preserving our fresh foods, and implementing GMOs to our produce is ever increasing. While some scientists refute the dangers of these enhancers, due to the lack of evidence of harm to human health, these preservatives are recent adjustments to the produce industry so their affects may not be evidential for some time. Rather than risking our health by partaking in such foods is unnecessary, especially when there are other ways to access fresh foods. 

Although it isn't the easiest way to consume produce, growing your own foods is most sustainable and healthy. I will admit that I've wanted to start my own garden for a while, but the time, space, and expense have prevented me from doing so. An alternative to digging in the dirt and planting seeds is purchasing potted plants that you can keep in your kitchen or in some other sunny spot in your home!

Aside from the fresh scents, organic decor, and extra H2O that will infuse your home, potted plants are easy to tend and provide just the right amount of vegetation. Not to mention, they are HARD to kill- this coming from someone who does not have a green thumb! 

Trader Joe's has some great plants that are cheap to purchase, but abundant in growth so that you multiply your earnings. Plus, there is lots of variety in the plants you many choose to buy! I have friends who have purchased plants and planted them in the ground so that they have full bushes of vegetation. 

All you need is water and sunlight to create a healthy solution for growing fresh greens and you can trade those toxic pesticides for a more wholesome alternative. 


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