Favorite Perfumes

Perfume is such an elegant way to express femininity. While scents are a delicate matter, when you find one that has the right nodes, it brings a unique freshness to your look. These are some of my favorite perfumes I’ve collected (I tend to enjoy fresh, light scents).

Tiffany $ Co.-Pure Tiffany’s: This was my first “big girl” perfume. When I was 16, my parents gifted a bottle to me  and I’ve loved it ever since. It has a fresh scent, but rich undertone that makes it more sophisticated.

Victoria’s Secret-Divine: I came across this scent when my sweet Father gifted it to my mom for a birthday, thinking it was her signature perfume. Unfortunately, she likes Heavenly, not Divine, so she gave it to me. It’s now my boyfriend’s favorite perfume!

Chanel- Chance: My aunt has an eye for fine products and this perfume is definitely just that. It has clean, soft, floral tones to help you smell refreshed and pretty.

Hopefully, this post gave you insight on some quality perfumes that you might like to add to your collection. Feel free to leave your thoughts on these products in the comment section!


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