Unlikely Faith

This has been one heck of a busy school week! Thankfully this weekend will be study-free.
Today’s Epistle reading relates very much to Tuesday’s Gospel regarding faith.
The story is about Phillip baptizing the eunuch. What strikes me most about this story is the eunuch’s incredible faith.
He merely needed to hear the Truth spoken by Phillip and he immediately believed in Jesus.
How often do we witness that kind of unwavering faith?
It’s remarkable that sometimes it takes a stranger to the church to remind us how much we need the Truth.
It’s easy for us who are a part of the church to let our zeal for the Lord go numb if we ease away from yearning to pursue Truth.
Part of the problem is our apathetic society that promotes not caring about anything.
We must be the lights of the world that inspire others to seek God.
Through the lives we lead, we can show others the beauty of life through cultivating a relationship with the Lord.
Only through communion with God are our lives meaningful.
Let us strive to fulfill the words of the Lord and increase our faith in Jesus so that we may exalt Him forever.


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